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Thank you, SteadyTalk.- 김나린님
작성일 : 2024-12-10 10:52:27   조회수 : 16

I'd like to express thanks to SteadyTalk and teacher Carina. I needed to improve my English to graduate from my college. It is mandatory to meet certain level of English for graduation.


Actually I had been studying English practice at another phone company where the fee was a bit expensive. So I had to practice for only 10 minutes every day due to light pockets of mine. And only 10-minute didn’t give me enough time to practice my English. Meanwhile, my friend introduced SteadyTalk to me.


I like SteadyTalk because it provides the same quality with much less expense. Now I practice English with a native teacher for 20 minutes every day.


I think that the personality of a teacher is quite important because there are only me and a teacher in the classroom which is of course a phone or sometimes a laptop. Teacher Carina not only has good teaching skill but also is smart. I like talking with her with various topics.


I am feeling that my English is improving steadily. Thank you again, Teacher Remy and Steadyalk. 

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의견나누기 | 의견을 올려주세요.
steadytalk님 생각 | 12/10 11:06  
멋진 영문 수업후기 올려주셔서 감사합니다. 김나린님은 충분히 졸업에 필요한 영어실력을 갖추고 계시리라는 생각이 들어요.
열공하셔서 졸업후에도 원하는 꿈을 이루어 가시길 바랍니다. ^^
Carina선생님, 친절하시고 수업도 잘 해 주시는 분이시죠.
다른 학생분들도 좋아하세요. ㅎㅎ
스테디코인 적립해 드렸습니다.
현재 0 / 최대 2000 byte - 한글 1000자, 영문 2000자)
관 련 글
번호 제 목 이 름 날 짜 조회수
현재글 Thank you, SteadyTalk. (1) 김나린 2024.12.10 17
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